The Troy Lab at Purdue University investigates hydrodynamic processes and related engineering and biological applications in coastal waters. Think: Oceanography and Coastal Engineering in the Midwest… Our work focuses on improving our understanding of how substances are transported in lakes and oceans, how shorelines evolve in response to different hydrodynamic conditions, and how coasts can be engineered to be more resilient. We have a primarily observational approach, carrying out experiments in Purdue’s Burke Laboratory facilities as well as in our “natural laboratory,” Lake Michigan. Students working in the lab go on to careers as professors, government scientists, coastal and hydraulic engineers, and many other positions. If you have a passion for water, consider joining us!

Cary D. Troy, PhD
Lyles School of Civil and Construction Engineering
Purdue University
Dr. Cary Troy runs the Troy Lab at Purdue University. His research focuses on coastal hydrodynamic processes with engineering and ecological applications. Dr. Troy did his Ph.D. research at Stanford University in the Environmental Fluid Mechanics Laboratory, studying breaking internal waves with a novel set of laboratory experiments. At Purdue University, he has maintained a geographic focus on the Laurentian Great Lakes and examined a wide range of physical processes, ranging from deep-water turbulence and mixing to shoreline erosion. Dr. Troy has also conducted pedagogical research, and teaches courses in the areas of hydraulics and hydrology, environmental fluid mechanics, coastal engineering, and basic water science.
A Deep Learning Approach for Modeling and Hindcasting Lake Michigan Ice Cover
H.U. Abdelhady and C.D. Troy Journal of Hydrology
A machine learning approach to nearshore wave modeling in large lakes using land-based wind observations
H.U. Abdelhady and C.D. Troy Journal of Great Lakes Research
Online Article
Trends of Sediment Resuspension and Budget in Southern Lake Michigan under Changing Wave Climate and Hydrodynamic Environment
Longhuan Zhu, Pengfei Xue, Guy A. Meadows, Chenfu Huang, Jianzhong Ge, Cary D. Troy, Chin H. Wu Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans
Online Article
Beach rebuilding period buffers Indiana beach erosion in Lake Michigan
Nelson-Mercer, B., H. Tomkins, T. Ahsan, and C.D. Troy Accepted, Journal of Great Lakes Research
Modeling Lake Michigan Shoreline Changes in Response to Rapid Water Level Fluctuations
Abdelhady, H., and C.D. Troy Proceedings of The Coastal Sediments Conference 2023
Online Article