A Deep Learning Approach for Modeling and Hindcasting Lake Michigan Ice Cover
H.U. Abdelhady and C.D. Troy Journal of Hydrology
A machine learning approach to nearshore wave modeling in large lakes using land-based wind observations
H.U. Abdelhady and C.D. Troy Journal of Great Lakes Research PDF  PDF  Online Article
Trends of Sediment Resuspension and Budget in Southern Lake Michigan under Changing Wave Climate and Hydrodynamic Environment
Longhuan Zhu, Pengfei Xue, Guy A. Meadows, Chenfu Huang, Jianzhong Ge, Cary D. Troy, Chin H. Wu Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans PDF  PDF  Online Article
Beach rebuilding period buffers Indiana beach erosion in Lake Michigan
Nelson-Mercer, B., H. Tomkins, T. Ahsan, and C.D. Troy Accepted, Journal of Great Lakes Research
Modeling Lake Michigan Shoreline Changes in Response to Rapid Water Level Fluctuations
Abdelhady, H., and C.D. Troy Proceedings of The Coastal Sediments Conference 2023 PDF  Online Article
sunny day flooding
U.S. community perspectives on coastal flooding
Elko, N., Briggs, T. R., Marsooli, R., Barrineau, P., Hapke, C., McKenna, K., ... & Troy, C. Shore and Beach PDF  Online Article
A reduced-complexity shoreline model for coastal areas with large water level fluctuations
Abdelhady, H., and C.D. Troy Coastal Engineering PDF  PDF  Online Article
A simple, fully-automated shoreline detection algorithm for high-resolution, multi-spectral imagery
Abdelhady, H., C.D. Troy, A. Habib, and R. Manish Remote Sensing PDF  PDF  Online Article
Rapid Lake Michigan shoreline changes revealed by UAV LiDAR surveys
Troy, C.D., Y.-T. Cheng, Y.-C. Lin, and A. Habib. Coastal Engineering PDF  PDF  Online Article
Emergency Responder JHM
Emergency responder and public health considerations for plastic sewer lining chemical waste exposures in indoor environments
Noh, Y., B.E. Boor, J.H. Shannahan, C.D. Troy, C.T. Jafvert, and A.J. Whelton. Journal of Hazardous Materials PDF  PDF  Online Article
Characterizing the seasonal variability of hypolimnetic mixing in a large, deep lake
Cannon, D.J., C.D. Troy, H. Bootsma, Q. Liao, and R.-A. Maclellan-Hurd. Journal of Geophysical Research PDF  Online Article
Bieito Article
Seasonality modulates wind-driven mixing pathways in a large lake
Castro, B.F., D. Bouffard, C.D. Troy, H.N. Ulloa, S. Piccolroaz, O.S. Steiner, H.E. Chmiel, L.S. Moncadas, S. Lavanchy, and A. Wüest Communications Earth & Environment PDF  PDF  Online Article
Drifter Trajectories
Lateral dispersion of dye and drifters in the center of a very large lake
Choi, J.M., C.D. Troy, N. Hawley, M. McCormick, and M.G. Wells Limnology and Oceanography PDF  Online Article
Habib UAV
Evaluation of UAV LiDAR for mapping coastal Environments
Lin, Y.-C., Cheng, Y.-T., Zhou, T., Ravi, R., Hasheminasab, S.M., Flatt, J.E., Troy, C., Habib, A. Remote Sens. 2019 11, 2893 PDF  Online Article
Cannon Ice Free Radiative Convection
Ice-free radiative convection drives spring mixing in a large lake
Cannon, D.J., C.D. Troy, Q. Liao, and H. Bootsma. Geophysical Research Letters, 46(12), 6811-6820 PDF  PDF  Online Article
Observations of turbulence and mean flow in the low‐energy hypolimnetic boundary layer of a large lake
Cannon, D. J., & Troy, C. D. Limnology and Oceanography, 63(6), 2762-2776 PDF  Online Article
Assessment and characterization of writing exercises and core engineering textbooks
Essig, R.R., C.D. Troy, B.K. Jesiek, N.T. Buswell, and J.E. Boyd Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, 144(4): 04018007. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EI.1943-5541.0000378 PDF  Online Article
Engineering instructors on writing: Perceptions, practices, and needs
Buswell, N.T., B.K. Jesiek, C.D. Troy, R.R. Essig, and J. Boyd IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication. DOI 10.1109/TPC.2019.2893392 PDF  Online Article
Regulation of plankton and nutrient dynamics by profundal quagga mussels in Lake Michigan: a one-dimensional model
Shen, C., Q. Liao, H.A. Bootsma, C.D. Troy, and  D. Cannon Hydrobiologia, 1-17 PDF  Online Article
Physicochemical characteristics of a southern Lake Michigan river plume
Jameel, Y., S. Stein, E.F. Grimm, C. Roswell, A.E. Wilson, C.D. Troy, T. Höök, and G.J. Bowen Journal of Great Lakes Research 44(2), 209-218 PDF  Online Article
Asynchrony in the inter-annual recruitment of lake whitefish Coregonus clupeaformis in the Great Lakes region
Zischke, M., D.B. Bunnell, C.D. Troy, E.K. Berglund, D.C. Caroffino, M.P. Ebener, J.X. He, S.P. Sitar, and T.O. Höök Journal of Great Lakes Research, in press and available online PDF  Online Article
Recruitment dynchrony of Yellow Perch (Perca flavescens, Percidae) in the Great Lakes Region, 1966-2008
Honsey, A.E., D.B. Bunnell, C.D. Troy, D.G. Fielder, M.V. Thomas, C.T. Knight, S.C. Chong, and T.O. Höök Fisheries Research, 181, 214-221 PDF  Online Article
Why this flip wasn’t a flop: What the numbers don’t tell you about flipped classes
Fedesco, H.N., and C.D. Troy In Proceedings of the 2016 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, New Orleans, LA, June 26-29, 2016 PDF  Online Article
Challenges and opportunities for recruiting students to undergraduate civil engineering programs
Troy, C.D., J. Bruntz, R.S. Govindaraju, G. Haikal, J.D. Horn, M.M. Kelly, M.G. Schroeder, J. See, and J.C. Tompkins In Proceedings of the 2016 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, New Orleans, LA, June 26-29, 2016 PDF  Online Article
Engineering faculty on writing: What they think and what they want
Trellinger, N.M., B.K. Jesiek, C.D. Troy, J. Boyd, and R.R. Essig In Proceedings of the 2016 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, New Orleans, LA, June 26-29, 2016 PDF  Online Article
Writing to learn engineering: Identifying effective techniques for the integration of written communication into engineering classes and curricula (NSF RIGEE project)
Troy, C.D., B.K. Jesiek, N.M. Trellinger, and R.R. Essig In Proceedings of the 2016 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, New Orleans, LA, June 26-29, 2016 PDF  Online Article
Testing for synchrony in recruitment among four Lake Michigan fish species
Bunnell, D. B., Höök, T. O., Troy, C. D., Liu, W., Madenjian, C. P., & Adams, J. V. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 999(1-10) PDF  Online Article
Logarithmic velocity structure in the deep hypolimnetic waters of Lake Michigan
Troy, C.D., D. Cannon, Q. Liao, and H. Bootsma Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 121(1), 949-965 PDF  Online Article
Water quality estimation of river plumes in southern Lake Michigan using hyperion
Tan, J., K.A. Cherkauer, I. Chaubey, C.D. Troy, and R. Essig Journal of Great Lakes Research, 42(3), 524-535 PDF  Online Article
Shear dispersion from near‐inertial internal Poincaré waves in large lakes
Choi, J. M., Troy, C. D., & Hawley, N. Limnology and Oceanography, , 60(6), 2222-2235 PDF  Online Article
Something to write home(work) about: An analysis of writing exercises in fluid mechanics textbooks
Trellinger, N.M., R.R. Essig, C.D. Troy, B.K. Jesiek, J. Boyd In Proceedings of the 2015 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Seattle, WA, June 14-17, 2015 PDF  Online Article
Species‐specific effects of subdaily temperature fluctuations on consumption, growth and stress responses in two physiologically similar fish species.
Coulter, D. P., Sepúlveda, M. S., Troy, C. D., & Höök, T. O. Ecology of Freshwater Fish. PDF  Online Article
Diets and growth potential of early stage larval yellow perch and alewife in a nearshore region of southeastern Lake Michigan
Withers, J.L., T.M. Sesterhenn, C.J. Foley, C.D. Troy, and T.O. Höök Journal of Great Lakes Research Volume 41, Supplement 3, Pages 197-209 PDF  Online Article
Thermal habitat quality of aquatic organisms near power plant discharges: potential exacerbating effects of climate warming
Coulter, D. and M.S. Sepúlveda, C.D. Troy, T.O. Höök Fisheries Ecology and Management, 21: 196-210 PDF  Online Article
Adventures in paragraph writing: The development and refinement of scalable and effective writing exercises for large-enrollment engineering courses
Essig, R., C. Troy, B.K. Jesiek, J. Boyd, and N.M. Trellinger In Proceedings of the 2014 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Indianapolis, IN, June 15-18, 2014 PDF  Online Article
Writing to learn engineering: Identifying effective fechniques for the integration of written communication into engineering classes and curricula (NSF RIGEE project)
Troy, C.D., R.R. Essig, B.K. Jesiek, J. Boyd, N.M. Trellinger In Proceedings of the 2014 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Indianapolis, IN, June 15-18, 2014 PDF  Online Article
Spatial structure of internal Poincaré waves in Lake Michigan
Ahmed, S., C.D. Troy, and N. Hawley Environmental Fluid Mechanics, , 14:1229 PDF  Online Article
A Year of Internal Poincaré Waves in Southern Lake Michigan
Choi, J. M., C. D. Troy, T.-C. Hsieh, N. Hawley, and M. J. McCormick Journal of Geophysical Research PDF  Online Article
Cross-shelf thermal structure in Lake Michigan during the stratified periods
Troy, C.D., Ahmed, S., Hawley, N., and A. Goodwell Journal of Geophysical Research, VOL. 117, C02028, 16 PP., 2012 PDF  Online Article
The mixing efficiency of interfacial waves breaking at a ridge. Part I: Overall mixing efficiency
Hult, E.L., C.D. Troy, and J.R. Koseff Journal of Geophysical Research, VOL. 116, C02003 PDF  Online Article
The mixing efficiency of interfacial waves breaking at a ridge. Part II: Local Energetics
Hult, E.L., C.D. Troy, and J.R. Koseff Journal of Geophysical Research, VOL. 116, C02004 PDF  Online Article
The breaking of interfacial waves at a submerged bathymetric ridge
Hult, E.L., C.D. Troy, and J.R. Koseff Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 637, 45-71 PDF  Online Article
The viscous decay of progressive interfacial waves
Troy, C.D., and J.R. Koseff Physics of Fluids, 18, 026602 PDF  Online Article
The instability and breaking of long internal waves
Troy, C.D., and J.R. Koseff Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 543, 107-136 PDF  Online Article
The generation and quantitative visualization of breaking internal waves
Troy, C. D., & Koseff, J. R. Experiments in fluids, 38(5), 549-562 PDF  Online Article