Breaking Shoaling Internal Waves
Laboratory image of a breaking internal wave over a sill.
Drifter Tracks
Tracks of six drifters released in Lake Michigan, recorded over two months.
Near Inertial Velocities
East and north velocities from Lake Michigan’s interior. The perfect periodicity and vertical structure is associated with near-inertial internal waves.
Near-Inertial Surface Velocities
Surface currents observed from the EEGLE experiment, showing tide-like periodicity of near-inertial motions.
Drifter Trajectories
Positions of six drifters released in Lake Michigan’s central basin in July 2013. The tracks illustrate both the dominance of near-inertial motions in Lake Michigan’s interior, as well as the low rates of horizontal dispersion.
Lyles School of Civil Engineering
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907
Office: HAMP 1101D
Office Phone: (765) 494-3844
Email: troy@purdue.edu
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907
Office: HAMP 1101D
Office Phone: (765) 494-3844
Email: troy@purdue.edu
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